חיים יטיב דובר של `נקים`

הצטרף: 23 ינו' 2006 הודעות: 1013
פורסם: שישי 19.03.21 16:22 נושא ההודעה: second request to make a reassessment of Pfizer's vaccine safety and stop the Vax campaign |
Wednesday, Nissan, 17/03/21
Reference: M.C/ 17032101
In honor of: The Minister of Health, the Director General of the Ministry of Health, the Legal Adviser at the Ministry of Health, Commissioner of Freedom of Information Act in the Ministry of Health, Attorney General, Prime Minister.
Copy: Attorneys, members of the "Nakim" organization, social activists, the public
Via email and an online system for public inquiries
Dear Sir/Madam
Subject: Answer to your answer regarding the running publication of the number of deceased among the vaccinated and a second request to make a reassessment of Pfizer's vaccine safety and stop the immunization campaign according to the Freedom of Information Act and pursuant to various sections of the Penal Code 5737 1977, including sections 13 and 304,305,309, 301c, 231,232,233 and pursuant to various sections of the Patient Rights Law 5766 1996, including section 13
on behalf of the organization "NAKIM Israel", a voluntary organization of hundreds of citizens for the sake of good administration in Israel, who empowered me, among other things, to contact you about this.
I am honored to answer you and ask you as follows,
all link documents and their contents form an integral part of this application.
1. With all due respect to your reply from the attached day, thank you but that is not what I asked for.
2. I requested running publication on the Internet of the number of deaths among the vaccinated to Covid19, including the distribution of the case of death by age and causes of death.
3. You publish in your database "Covid19 data deaths" There is no technical reason not to publish "Immunized data deaths" with age and cause of death distribution so that we can compare it with previous years and the population of the unvaccinated, this is the only way to verify non-toxicity of the vaccine in a proper statistical way.
4. You also respond as quoted "The Ministry of Health examines death reports in the vicinity * (to vaccine receival * Death in the vicinity of the vaccine refers to a period of up to 30 days of receiving the vaccine) "
That is, you rely solely on the attached voluntary reporting system that is very unknown to the public to say the least.
5. It is extremely unreasonable, not to say amateurish, to have no constant monitoring of the condition of the vaccinated while it is a huge-scale experiment with potentially disastrous consequences. In addition, the study published in the New England Journal of Medicine by Clalit HMO below is the study of Clalit HMO, indicates that this information is in HMOs and you know how to use it when it is convenient for your entities to partially present data that conclusively indicate vaccine efficiency, as we will see below. A biased scientific publication on your behalf in English here:
6. It is also unlikely that you will stop linking death to the vaccine after just one month, while there may be a deterioration in the vaccinated condition immediately after the vaccine that lasts more than a month until death.
7. I will note that on the "Nakim" website alone, no less than 70 deaths are documented near the vaccination reported by the families on social networks and/or in the media, and it is unlikely that you will claim half of this while we collect the tip of the iceberg.
8. We will clarify that the threatening and persuasive pressure to be vaccinated on citizens, which has no equal and is shameful for Israeli democracy, exerted by the media, local authorities, workplaces and more constitutes a blatant violation of the principle of informed consent before any medical treatment as enshrined in section 13 of the Patient Rights Law. 1996. The concealment from the public of the mortality data and other adverse reactions of the vaccinated raises many questions about the good faith of these operations.
9. This and more from the little data that are leaked from the Ministry of Health, shows that Pfizer's vaccine causes a severe weakening of the immune system of the vaccinated which increases the number of vaccinated mortality if infected with Covid19 both during the vaccine and after full immunity.
See a scientific article by Dr. HervéS eligmann and the undersigned in the attached article in English:
and a link here in Hebrew:
10. I will note that this article is based on a table you provided to German journalists from the correctiv.org website to contradict the allegations I made to you in my request dated 21.2.21 "Urgent request to re-examine Pfizer's vaccine toxicity and stop the vaccination campaign until the vaccinators' mortality data is published" Table of mortality data transmitted by you to the YNET website. You can read the MK's address to you here:
11. It also appears from the same article in German that you published on 8.3.2021 a publication of a response on your website to the undersigned's request under the headline "False: Vaccines cause more serious illness and more mortality than the Covid19 itself"
12. I was amazed by this response, it is not appropriate to say the least for a government ministry like the Ministry of Health to be like the last blogger to respond in the dark on the internet without the applicant knowing instead of responding through a legal adviser and I reserve the right to contact appropriate authorities about this shameful conduct. Considering the potential disaster to the general public in Israel, I would ask you to act with full severity against those responsible for it.
13. It also appears from your publication above that you relied on an unsigned publication in the name of the "Midaat" association's website
to contradict my claims when the same article is again based on the biased scientific research of Clalit Health Insurance Fund.
14. This indicates that you are in fact relying solely on the scientific paper of Dr. Ran Balicer and colleagues to continue your vaccination campaign since you do not have the mortality data of the vaccinated but individual reports from your reporting system, the same system as the VAERS system in the US. Midaat, which you suggested wrote: "A voluntary system for collecting reports from the public on side effects of vaccines, since in this system there is no audit and examination of cases, it is used to identify trends and warn in advance, for in-depth examination, it includes clarification not to rely on them to identify a link to the vaccine "
But suddenly it is your voluntary reporting system that serves as a support for you to think that everything is going well with the vaccination campaign.
15. This and more based on the official data of Clalit Health Fund published in the New England Journal of Medicine by Dr. Ran Balicer, we revealed with Dr. Hervé Seligmann that during the two weeks from the first dose, the incidence of COVID-19 in vaccinated people is tripled compared to the unvaccinated:
16. We extracted the table from Table S7 located on page 46 of the Supplementary Appendix file which can be downloaded here from the New England Journal or Medicine website where the study is published:
https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2101765/suppl_file/nejmoa 2101765_appendix.pdf
17. The patterns in the above figure also indicate damage to the immune system, which should not occur in such circumstances and must be reported to the public so that it can protect itself from the vaccinated and so that the vaccinated themselves take the necessary precautions not to be exposed to viruses during this critical period.
We will mention the unfortunate case of the late pregnant Osnat Ben Sheetrit who not only contracted COVID-19 from her vaccinated husband but according to her recording she was not treated with any drug treatment in a hospital according to the puzzling guidelines of your office. This is indicative of the gross negligence prevailing in your office that ostensibly amounts to criminal delinquency.You can hear her remarks at the end of the recording on our Telegram channel here:
18. But damage to the immune system does not stop in Covid19 and it ostensibly exposes the vaccinated to mortality from any other disease including cancer as Dr. Hervé Seligmann suggested in an interview for the newspaper France Soir.
https://www.francesoir.fr/videos-les-debriefings/la-vaccination-en-isr ael-le-diable-est-dans-les-details
19. See also a scientific review article by Dr. Hervé Seligmann and the undersigned that proves that Clalit's research was fundamentally flawed, both due to the opening data of the samples and due to the conflicts of interest from which 8 out of 10 of the researchers suffered and due to other defects. Defects that go to the root of your assessment that it is safe to continue the immunization campaign.
20. The article is attached in English:
and at the link here in Hebrew:
21. In this article we raise multiple questions about how the research was done and its results that seemingly nullify any scientific basis for the continuation of the immunization campaign.
22. We also raise the state of conflict of interest stated by Dr. Ran Balicer and his team as detailed in their statement attached at the link here:
https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2101765/suppl_file/nejmoa 2101765_disclosures.pdf
Or here:
23. It is not possible for 8 scientists on your behalf to declare that they receive funds from Pfizer and based on their more dubious scientific publication you will endanger the future of an entire country, when today there are clearly and proven cheap treatments for Covid19 such as ivermectin and zinc. Regarding Vitamin D you posted on your website about its effectiveness against Covid19 but for some reason the doctors do not provide it to patients as happened with the late pregnant Osnat Ben Sheetrit. See your instruction that you do not follow it:
https://www.gov.il/BlobFolder/reports/nd-391339820/he/files_publicatio ns_corona_nd-391339820.pdf
24. It also appears from your reports that Pfizer is the cumulative number one contributor of the Ministry of Health and its employees in the last three years, which may indicate many conflicts of interest with you on this matter.
25. We will present the words of the Honorable Justice Barak in the Shimon case (HCJ 595/89 Shimon v. The Superintendent of the Southern District in the Ministry of the Interior, PD Med (1) 409, (ibid., 414-413) Which is contained in the Temple of the Basic Principles of the Method, from which engraved provisions are derived. According to which these provisions are interpreted. Judicial Laws are derived from it - "acceptable law in the style of Israel" - regarding conflicts of interest in areas not covered by legislation. That life will arise over the years ... The legislature's silence regarding the unregulated area is not generally interpreted as a negative arrangement regarding that area, but only as avoidance of legislation that allows the application of verse law ... "
26. As early as 2011, the State Comptroller Eliezer Goldberg warned that "government corruption is the greatest danger to the State of Israel, more than any other danger ..."
27. In these circumstances I will ask you,
A. Publish the requested information regarding the mortality of the vaccinated on the Internet as soon as possible.
B. Re-evaluate Pfizer's vaccine safety and in the meantime take the necessary precautions applicable to you under various laws including the Penal Code and halt the vaccination campaign until the vaccine mortality rates are clarified and more widely the claims of severe immune system weakening caused by RNA injection, and Pfizer's trial and examination of multiple reports of causing general inflammation and heart attack events and others.
28. I will emphasize that Dr. Hervé Seligmann is a doctor of biology who has researched for years at the Institute of Microbiology of Prof. Didier Raoult in France, one of the world leaders in the field and that the undersigned is a computer engineer graduated from the Technion in Haifa with the necessary knowledge in mathematics. so.
29. Dr.Seligmann addressed here and I am at your disposal for any questions and assistance that may be required to decipher the data or to provide explanations as to the foregoing.
30. Thank you for your prompt and appropriate reply in return email
Haim Yativ
Spokesman for Nakim Israel
_________________ הצטרפו לערוץ של נקים בטלגרם להתעדכן:
הסקר קובע: רוב הציבור בישראל סבור שהשחיתות פוגעת בחייו היום יומיים,
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