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Covid19 is not just a virus,exposure of the root causes reveals different treatment needed  
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דברי הנבואה שנכתבו לפני עשרות שנים במבוא לספר "טרגדיה ותקווה"
שני 09.09.24 11:05

המימון של "אחים לנשק" מצביע על מעורבות המוסד בהקמתו כהכנה לפלישה של ה-7 באוקטובר
שלישי 06.08.24 9:40

זהותו של מפקד הימ"מ נחשפת בשלומיאליות שלו עצמו של הצנזורה ושל השב"כ
ראשון 16.06.24 13:00


אוהב את ישראל, אוהב צדק? לארגון `נקים` דרוש נדבן פילנטרופ ולוחם

מעריב חושף ששופטי העליון גונבים מהציבור הטבות מפליגות הכל בניגוד גמור לחוק

רצח רבין:השבכ נעתר לבקשה של נקים לשחרר את פרופ' היס מחובת הסודיות על ניתוח הגופה

בלי בושה: השופטת ורדה אלשיך סידרה למקורבה השופט בדימוס פלפל שכר טרחה של 10 מיליון ש"ח

עמיר מנור, כתב מעריב, הוקלט משקר טרם הוציא כתבה שקרית נגד 'נקים' המיחצנת את רשם האגודות ושותפיו

שחיתות מע' המשפט פורצת את מחסום הקול,ראיון על ארגון נקים בקול ישראל, בייניש, מזוז ושנדר תחת ביקורת

הראל סגל: 'יש אדונים לארץ הזו והדמוקרטיה משרתת אותם ואת האינטרסים שלהם. כל היתר, וזה כולל את רובכם, נתונים במעמד עבדים החיים באשליית אדנות...'

צפה בנושא הקודם :: צפה בנושא הבא  
מחבר הודעה
חיים יטיב
דובר של `נקים`
דובר של `נקים`

הצטרף: 23 ינו' 2006
הודעות: 1013

הודעהפורסם: ראשון 26.09.21 9:50    נושא ההודעה: Covid19 is not just a virus,exposure of the root causes reveals different treatment needed

The Covid19 disease is not just a virus, the exposure of the root causes reveals that different treatments are needed depending on the source.

It seems more like a multi-system disease/war directed against the public, from different sources that cause similar side effects but sometimes require different treatment.

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It appears that Covid19 is not just a virus but a multidimensional disease caused by at least six factors:

1. The original Covid19 virus engineered in a laboratory according to Prof. Luc Montagnier Nobel Prize in Medicine.

2. The variants produced by the "vaccinated", this according to Prof. Montagnier, Prof. C.Vélot, Dr. Hervé Seligmann, Prof. Geert Vanden Bossche and many other first-rank scientists.

3. The artificial spike protein produced by the injected people and which poisons them and their environment while causing side effects similar to the Covid19 virus, respiratory problems and damage to blood vessels, see here the lecture by the pathologist M.D Ryan Cole
And see Dr. Seligmann's research on the subject here:

4. The alleged injection, mainly in nursing homes, of an anesthetic, lethal substance Midazolam that also causes a suffocation phenomenon, as reported by the director of an English funeral company John o' Looney, see here:
https://cairnsnews.org/2021/09/17/funeral-director-john-olooney-blows- the-whistle-on-covid/

5. High-level instructions for not treating patients with vitamin D, C, zinc, ivermectin and other effective drugs and connecting patients almost systematically and unnecessarily to respiratory machines that cause damage to patients' lungs in order allegedly to inflate mortality, especially before the "vaccination" campaign begins

See in this case the class action lawsuit filed against Phillips following the return of thousands of damaged machines that killed patients:

6. Graphene oxide poisoning that is allegedly found in various vaccines According to many researchers in Spain, graphene oxide also causes blood clotting and breathing problems. Claims have been made that graphene oxid is found in both pen tests and certain masks made in China.
The last section is especially important as therapists have recently discovered that the usual methods of treating corona with vitamins and drugs do not help in some cases and these are probably cases caused by graphene oxide poisoning. Researchers point to a completely different supplement that helps overcome graphene oxide poisoning, the supplement is glutathione.
See here:

Unsurprisingly, researchers from Spain have suggested that the NAC-type supplement, NAC (N-acetylcysteine), an antioxidant dietary supplement that is a precursor to glutathione and apparently cures graphene oxide poisoning, has recently stopped being sold on Amazon.

See here
https://world-signals.com/news/2021/08/20/a-study-shows-that-graphene- oxide-is-the-cause-of-covid-disease/

The various factors outlined above make it difficult for experts specializing in just one area to come and bring a line of medicine to Covid19 as it is a multi-system proactive war waged by corrupt rulers, controlled by corporations and powerful stakeholders such as Bill Gates, Rockefeller, Queen of England, Soros and others eugenicists who have built a propaganda and deception system based on corrupt scientists, journalists and fact-checkers to censor the truth and push most of humanity to extermination.
See in this regard my answer to one of the "fact-checkers" scientists where I exposed part of their deception mechanism:

Haim Yativ

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הצטרפו לערוץ של נקים בטלגרם להתעדכן:

הסקר קובע: רוב הציבור בישראל סבור שהשחיתות פוגעת בחייו היום יומיים,
חתום על העצומה נגד שחיתות הממסד ומערכת המשפט והצטרף ל"נקים"

ניתן להשיג את חיים יטיב הדובר של ארגון "נקים" באמצעות טלגרם @HaimYativ או דוא"ל haim@nakim.org

השופט מישאל חשין:המלחמה בשחיתות היא מלחמה להגנה עצמית בה לא לוקחים שבוייםEvil or Very Madsadomaso
חזרה למעלה
צפה בפרופיל המשתמש שלח הודעה פרטית שלח דוא\ בלוג בקר באתר המפרסם

חשיפה בלעדית של "נקים": ההונאה במיליארדים של הקיבוצים בשיתוף רשם האגודות


הודעהפורסם: שישי 22.10.21 16:12    נושא ההודעה: antioxidants that help detoxify the body from graphene oxide

La Quinta Columna on more antioxidants that help detoxify the body from graphene oxide
July 21, 2021

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There are many more antioxidants that can be used as a treatment to detoxify the graphene oxide that vaccinated and unvaccinated people may have in their bodies. There are so many that it is very difficult to mention them all in a video that pretends to cover those that have greater detoxifying power than the others.

La Quinta Columna has emphasized N-acetylcysteine and zinc, and other dietary supplements that can be taken along with them. However, there are vitamins worth highlighting such as E, which not only acts as an antioxidant but also helps the body to prevent it from generating thrombi. As we well know, graphene oxide is a toxic that has a thrombogenic effect that can cause death. In fact, it has already caused the death of many people around the world.

Below, Orwell City offers a brief excerpt in which biostatistician Ricardo Delgado talks about more supplements that would be useful to have at home, in addition to the essential and most recommended ones.

Link: Rumble

Regarding the video I shared yesterday. It has some very important information to keep in mind in these times. In that video, we talked mainly about antioxidants, such as N-acetylcysteine and zinc. Which are trace elements that also have antioxidant power.

Several people have asked why I haven't mentioned vitamins such as E —of course, it helps—, K, or selenium. Which also can make the body endogenously synthesize glutathione. There are many more products, obviously. I talked about the ones I usually have at home. However, take note of others and those that we have shown to work against COVID by the clinical trials that we reviewed at the time and that are shared on La Quinta Columna's website.

Both vitamin K and vitamin E are also very powerful antioxidants. Astaxanthin is even more so. But vitamin E, at the same time, has some properties to inhibit or subtract the thrombogenic capacity of the body, that is, to generate thrombi and clots.

It's very difficult that, in a summary video, I could've talked about more antioxidants. I could've also mentioned chlorella algae and many more things. But given it's a summary video, it's not the intention for people to buy 15 or 20 products. But to have at least a margin in their apothecary of particular products for their defense, so they can have it on hand, basically.

These types of supplements are themselves dietary supplements. Most of them are vitamins, and the only contraindication that they have to take into account is that you respect the initial dosage. It appears on the package insert.

No contraindications have been described with large doses concerning food supplements. This, from this point of view: if you eat a melon at night, it can obviously make you sick. And if you eat three, it can even make you feel worse, right? As I say, they don't have a prescription. But nevertheless, it's said in the video to consult with a doctor or pharmacist for any kind of internal or intrinsic particularity that a person may have.

Some other people have told me that this is like doing Big Pharma a favor. What I want to say here is that all these supplements were bought in herbalist stores and para-pharmacies. But not in any particular drugstore. You also have to take that into account. You can even find them in sports supplementation stores. They're also usually sold there because, especially athletes, consume zinc, magnesium, and glutathione. They also secrete the latter endogenously when practicing sport intensely.

However, I have given, as I say, a list of the most important antioxidants. According to our study, N-acetylcysteine and zinc are essential. The rest, then, are supplements, okay?

Of course, it goes without saying that apart from good supplementation, the most important thing is to have a balanced and equilibrated diet. The Mediterranean diet is precisely the best example that you can have. This, in terms of carbohydrate levels, protein levels, even if you choose whether they are of vegetable or animal origin, etcetera. Eliminate from the diet or do not abuse dairy products, precisely because of glutathione. Do not abuse carbohydrates. And especially the bad carbohydrates: cookies, refined bread, etc... You already know that more than perfectly, I understand.

—Ricardo Delgado, Biostatistician and Director of La Quinta Columna[/align]


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