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answer to the debunking of Flora Teoh / Sorros/Bill Gates/Carnegie eugenics network  
הגב לנושא    אינדקס הפורומים -> הודעות של נקים

עדכונים של נקים:

דברי הנבואה שנכתבו לפני עשרות שנים במבוא לספר "טרגדיה ותקווה"
שני 09.09.24 11:05

המימון של "אחים לנשק" מצביע על מעורבות המוסד בהקמתו כהכנה לפלישה של ה-7 באוקטובר
שלישי 06.08.24 9:40

זהותו של מפקד הימ"מ נחשפת בשלומיאליות שלו עצמו של הצנזורה ושל השב"כ
ראשון 16.06.24 13:00


אוהב את ישראל, אוהב צדק? לארגון `נקים` דרוש נדבן פילנטרופ ולוחם

מעריב חושף ששופטי העליון גונבים מהציבור הטבות מפליגות הכל בניגוד גמור לחוק

רצח רבין:השבכ נעתר לבקשה של נקים לשחרר את פרופ' היס מחובת הסודיות על ניתוח הגופה

בלי בושה: השופטת ורדה אלשיך סידרה למקורבה השופט בדימוס פלפל שכר טרחה של 10 מיליון ש"ח

עמיר מנור, כתב מעריב, הוקלט משקר טרם הוציא כתבה שקרית נגד 'נקים' המיחצנת את רשם האגודות ושותפיו

שחיתות מע' המשפט פורצת את מחסום הקול,ראיון על ארגון נקים בקול ישראל, בייניש, מזוז ושנדר תחת ביקורת

הראל סגל: 'יש אדונים לארץ הזו והדמוקרטיה משרתת אותם ואת האינטרסים שלהם. כל היתר, וזה כולל את רובכם, נתונים במעמד עבדים החיים באשליית אדנות...'

צפה בנושא הקודם :: צפה בנושא הבא  
מחבר הודעה
חיים יטיב
דובר של `נקים`
דובר של `נקים`

הצטרף: 23 ינו' 2006
הודעות: 1013

הודעהפורסם: חמישי 11.03.21 14:34    נושא ההודעה: answer to the debunking of Flora Teoh / Sorros/Bill Gates/Carnegie eugenics network

An other try at debunking nakim.org and this time by Flora Teoh linked to the Sorros/Bill Gates/Carnegie eugenics network well known for spreading FAKE SCIENTIFIC NEWS through their network of paid and corrupted Fact Checkers as we will see below.
Before dismantling TEOH’s arguments let's see where she comes from and who are funding her.

Yaacov Apelbaum wrote a detailed article on Flora Teoh under the title Flora Teoh – Unqualified Fact Checker
https://apelbaum.wordpress.com/2020/05/19/us-free-speech-meet-your-wea lthy-chinese-fact-checker/

showing who is this pseudo scientific writer. Apelbaum describes how she did exactly the same as "the Facebook fact checker that blocked the now banned YouTube video of two US doctors discussing the faulty predictive models that are being used to justify strict Covid-19 quarantines. The video is completely innocuous, two medical professionals going over publically available stats and discussing the pros and cons of lock downs and aggressive social distancing."

Apelbaum wrote: "It turns out that the hit job that led to blocking that video was done by Health Feedback, a unit within an organization called Science Feedback which itself is a Google/Facebook proxy established for the purpose of managing progressive medical related narratives. The following is the profile of one of these science censors who banned the video..."

Apelbaum detailed how Flora Teoh is a contributor to several ‘fact-checking’ organizations such as Maldita.es and how her funding leads to Google, the MacArthur Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Carnegie Foundation.

Apelbaum added:
“Teoh’s affiliated organizations are part of an international ‘progressive’ data verification network supported by the Open Society Foundations (George Soros) and the Omidyar Network (Pierre Omidyar). Omidyar is also funding Defeat Disinfo, an AI information warfare platform designed to fight president Trump’s Covid-19 messaging. Both Soros and Omidyar have sponsored The Intercept, a publication that released documents stolen by Snowden. In 2018, they also helped launch the Luminate platform that has since distributed over $314 million to finance progressive journalistic projects around the world. Health Feedback is one of these projects. »

From the scientific point of view she published, as far as I found, less than 5 publications with peers, none linked to epidemic or covid19 or viruses.

Apelbaum wrote: “Academically, she seems to be an under performer. Her grade history shows that she almost flunked a test (scored 60%) in “Monitoring of Clinical Trials by Industry Sponsors”, which ironically, is the basis of her proclaimed expertise for some of her critical fact checks.

If you are still trying to figure out how to get around the social media ‘truth’ police, you may be interested to know that Flora Teoh is advertising her freelance writing services emphasizing her ability to “produce compelling narrative.“ Why not ping her and get her to review/write your next post? If you’re lucky, you may be able to catch her between gourmet meals while advocating hermetic quarantine for the rest of us in the US. Her complete lack of expertise in your domain is not an issue, she is more than happy to write about “unfamiliar” topics. I also hear her rates are quite reasonable, last advertised she was only charging $30 per hour."

We could as well have a view to Joe Martino article Proof: Fact Checkers Are Misleading You
Talking about this lady
https://www.collective-evolution.com/2020/03/28/proof-fact-checkers-ar e-misleading-you/

or The Epoch Times article on her :
https://www.theepochtimes.com/facebook-places-wrong-fact-check-on-ccp- virus-documentary-by-the-epoch-times_3316762.html

or the thegatewaypundit.com
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/05/shocking-development-singapor e-woman-linked-bill-gates-soros-china-flagging-removing-video-content- california-doctors-behind-viral-video/?

Clicking on the about link of her website https://healthfeedback.org/

Sent you to the page https://sciencefeedback.co/about/
A hidden registrar website
On the head of the page you will find a link to https://climatefeedback.org/
climatefeedback.org and healthfeedback.org have the same whois registrar Registrant Organization: Climate Feedback

It means all of them are part of the same shadow organization.
Going to the: https://climatefeedback.org/partners-funders-donors/
We will find the Shuttleworth Foundation
click to enlarge

And from there we will find the Accessiba project sponsored only by the Shuttleworth Foundation spreading ,surprise surprise, the vaccine all over the third world. Same concern as Bill Gates: climate and vaccine...
click to enlarge
see here
click to enlarge

From there we can learn that the “#CoronaVirusFacts Alliance is being funded by the little known Shuttleworth Foundation which promotes idea that the press needs a thought leader”

and that the #CoronaVirusFacts Alliance is in fact part of a World wide powerful eugenics Mafia dealing with public health, vaccine and climate where more info on their network of disinformation and censure can be found on their main websites here:

and here:
https://knightcenter.utexas.edu/disinformation-and-fact-checking-in-ti mes-of-covid-19-register-now-for-knight-centers-new-free-online-course  /

by bad luck for all of this wealthy world of specialists in science disinformation through “factchecker” or more precisely false factcheckers supporting the facebook google and twitter censure, the nakim.org web site is not in their pocket.
You can not corrupt us and we are not getting grants from anybody, so it is not difficult to know who to trust.

In addition we are specialized in corruption of the judicial system in Israel, and believe me all of you Bill Gates/ Ford/Soros/ Carnegie/Ted turner and all the other eugenicists you are no match for the corruption level in the judicial system in Israel, so if you want to play with nakim.org let’s dance, fight of David against Goliath is our specialty in Israel as you surely know.

After this “short” introduction let’s move to the fake arguments of miss Flora Teoh your well paid scientific disinformer.

Miss Flora Teoh writes in her abstract:
Fails to grasp significance of observation: The data provided by the Israeli Ministry of Health actually points to the vaccine reducing the likelihood of dying from COVID-19, in both the young and the old.

Answer: FAKE,
You hide the fact that during 3 weeks between the doses, the vaccine kills MORE than covid during years without vaccination. A vaccine is not supposed to have immediate positive effects, but cannot have immediate negative effects like that.

We have debunked the Israeli health ministry article in the New England Journal of Medicine, you know that since you put without my agreement a snapshot photo of our interview to francesoir.fr on this subject, where I wear a blue shirt and a white kippa. So you intentionally ignore our debunking of the NEJM to focus on our previous article instead of focusing on factchecking of the fake NEJM study of the Israeli Ministry of Health, this raised the question: are you paid to misinform on health issues? For me you are allegedly suspected to be a criminal paid by criminals.

Miss Flora Teoh writes:
Misleading: The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine requires two doses to achieve its full efficacy of 95%. It can also take several weeks for immunity to fully develop. The data showed that the majority of COVID-19 deaths in vaccinated people occurred in those who had received only one dose. This isn’t as unexpected as the post claimed, as these people hadn’t fully developed immunity and were still as vulnerable to COVID-19 as unvaccinated people.

Answer: FAKE, I have already answered to this argument at the end of the article “We conclude that the Pfizer vaccines, for the elderly, killed during the 5-week vaccination period about 40 times more people than the disease itself would have killed, and about 260 times more people than the disease among the younger age class. We stress that this is in order to produce a green passport valid at most 6 months, and promote Pfizer sales.
These estimated numbers of deaths from the vaccine are probably much lower than actual numbers as it accounts only for those defined as COVID-19 deaths for that short time period and does not include AVC and cardiac (and other) events resulting from the inflammatory reactions in tens of reports documented on the NAKIM site, which themselves are only the iceberg's tip, see here. »

and in the NEJM debunking article which you are trying to ignore:

“I wrote today to the head of commission for examining misleading the public at the Ministry of Health, all the data are meaningless as long as one ignores post-vaccine deaths due to heart arrests, strokes and like events. Indeed, COVID-19 deaths can be reduced to null if all fragile individuals among the population are shot with a .357 magnum revolver before COVID-19 can kill them, and this does not transform the gun into a good vaccine.”

A vaccine must be accountable for all the period following the first shot.You can not ignore the deaths until reaching the so called vaccine immunity.
If the vaccine kills during the 5 weeks until immunity more than the covid will kill in three years or more, then your "vaccine" isn’t worth a penny.

Miss Flora Teoh writes: However, this isn’t a surprise. If we take a closer look at the table, we can see that the majority of people above 60 years old who were vaccinated and had serious COVID-19 had only one dose less than two weeks ago (465 out of 865). Scientists know that it can take up to several weeks for the vaccine to fully induce protection. Furthermore, two doses are required for the vaccine to achieve its full efficacy, estimated at 95%. But the post failed to take this caveat into account in its analysis of COVID-19 death rates.
Answer: FAKE and STUPID, she again tries to convince that the vaccine can kill as much people as necessary until getting immunity and that the huge number of dead in between, WHICH IS HIGHER THAN FOR THE UNVACCINATED, doesn’t have any importance.

Miss Flora Teoh writes: "Indeed, Israel is seeing COVID-19 cases plummet as its vaccination campaign progresses. The claim that the vaccine causes more serious COVID-19 cases in the young and old doesn’t square up with real-life observations, given that the number of COVID-19 hospitalizations has been falling as the number of complete vaccinations increase (see figure below). If the post’s claim were true, we would be seeing a rising number of COVID-19 hospitalizations as the number of vaccinations increase, but the opposite is happening."

Answer:FAKE, I already gave this argument to Dan Satherley of the Bill Gates MSN network, see here at the end:


Miss Flora Teoh writes: VAERS isn’t an adequate database for calculating the incidence rate of adverse events
In order to calculate an incidence rate, one requires the number of all or most adverse events among a particular group, such as vaccinated people or unvaccinated people.

Answer: FAKE, first: we detailed in our article “unusual proportion of deaths in reports on vaccine reactions from January 2021” that “ Inspection of these data across various years find consistent patterns in percentages of postvaccination deaths according to age classes. For each year, there are tens of thousands of individual cases reported”

obviously we would ideally have been more precise if the ministry of health was not hiding death data post vaccination and was answering to my request submitted feb 9 as due in a month by “law of freedom of information”.

miss Flora Teoh and her powerful organization behind her could have requested from the US ministry of health and the British and Israeli ones to publish these data but obviously the agenda of this “fakecheckers” organization is to mislead the public and push people to take the shot since they are paid by powerful eugenicists who promote to reduce the world wide population, Bill Gates for example.

Second: we used an approximation to find what was true between the 2 values published in the same report by the Israeli ministry of health as quoted from our article:
“resulting in 0.186%, which is close to the 0.2% reported by the Ministry of Health on January 21 2021.
This value of 0.2 % death wasmysteriously modified later on by the Ministry of Health and switched to 0.005 without any explanation, see article in Hebrew. Above considerations show that the death rate data provided first were correct, the updated death rate data might have been intended to suggest lower death rates among the elderly.”

The 0.005 mortality value is too low, almost ten times less than the mortality of the 65 and below mortality between the two shots, so it is obviously fake and the 0.2% value was the good one and this value has been reported by an official ministry of health document, see here, so we can definitely use it.

Third: as I answered to another debunker even using only the mortality of the 65 and below it was enough to know that we are facing a disaster as quoted from my answer:

“Now sure of himself, Mr Soleil is armed with data from the World Bank no less (tell me who you associate with I would tell you who you are ...) to tell us that the mortality of 0.05% for 5 weeks is barely higher than the expected mortality of 0.048% The parameter that our alleged scientific critic forgets is our sentence: "This death rate relates mainly to a relatively young population whose vaccination started on January 19, a period during which most vaccinated were below 65." So that explains why this death rate is excessive since the lion's share of mortality in Israel as in any other country is made up of people over 65 and not the other way around.
In addition and essentially the mortality of 0.5% per year reported by Mr Soleil is the overall mortality from all causes including suicide, car accident, cancer, heart attack and other, while last year the share of Covid in this mortality was far less than 10%.
So much so that a mortality from Covid which exceeds the usual general mortality over this period of 5 weeks and that for an overwhelming majority of people under the age of 65 this is a CATASTROPHE.”

miss Flora Teoh writes:
“In fact, such an analysis for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine has been done. The Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS) reviewed the information and data on deaths in frail, elderly individuals that occurred after receipt of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. The GACVS is “a scientific and clinical advisory body to” the World Health Organization (WHO), which “aims to provide a reliable and independent scientific assessment of vaccine safety issues”. The GACVS is not itself part of the WHO. »

Answer: Fake, first, I don’t care what an Advisory Committee of WHO is saying globally, we are talking here about data uncovered in Israel, if you have better raw data than these ones for Israel you are invited to report them.
Second: I don’t believe to any word coming from the corrupted WHO organization sponsored mainly by the eugenicist Bill Gates who aims to reduce the global population as he himself declared.

Miss Flora Teoh writes:
“As we can see from Table 1, 546 of these 660 deaths occurred in the elderly population that had only received one dose of the vaccine. 22 of 660 deaths occurred in those below 60 years old who had received only one dose. Contrast these numbers with those who had received two doses: 90 deaths in the elderly and two deaths in those aged below 60. In other words, 568 out of 660 deaths (about 86 percent) occurred in vaccinated people who were still vulnerable to COVID-19. Just 14 percent of deaths occurred in people who had received both doses.
If the vaccine did make people more likely to die from COVID-19, as the post claimed, we would expect to see at least similar rates of COVID-19 deaths in both one-dose and two-dose groups, or perhaps even a higher death rate in people who had received two doses.
But the data isn’t consistent with the claim. Table 1 shows 546 COVID-19 deaths in 12,700 elderly people who had received one dose, or a ratio of 0.42. In 2,676 elderly people who had received two doses, there were 90 COVID-19 deaths, or a ratio of 0.03. This is more than 10 times smaller than the ratio for the first dose.”

Answer: Fake, and you know that since you saw our 2nd interview to francesoir.fr, we are not expecting at all to see similar rates of COVID-19 deaths in both one-dose and two-dose groups since as we show from the official data of the Israeli ministry of health there is a three times Covid19 cases increase during the 7 days following the first shot only.

Miss Flora Teoh writes in conclusion:
The forum post’s claim that the vaccine led to more COVID-19 deaths than the disease itself would have caused isn’t supported by the data that it used. In its analysis of COVID-19 death rates in vaccinated people, it consistently failed to account for the fact that the two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine are necessary for its full efficacy. It also didn’t account for the fact that vaccination doesn’t lead to instant protection and developing vaccine-induced immunity can take up to several weeks. Instead the post wrongly assumed that any COVID-19 death that occurred after a person was vaccinated must be due to the vaccine.
By failing to stratify its analysis accordingly to account for these caveats, the results of the analysis paint an inaccurate and misleading picture of the vaccine’s efficacy and safety. In fact, the data demonstrate that the vaccine reduces the likelihood of dying from COVID-19.
Furthermore, real-world observations are incompatible with the post’s assertion that the vaccine causes more serious cases of COVID-19: Israel has seen the number of COVID-19 hospitalizations, as well as the number of COVID-19 cases, fall as the number of completed vaccinations rise.

Answer: BIG FAKE see all my answers above. Compared to the unvaccinated,COVID-19-mortality increased in the period between 1st and 2nd doses.

My conclusion: Miss Flora Teoh is more than probably paid by the powerful eugenicists described above to push people to take the shot by deception with disinformation on the RNA experimental injection.

Haim Yativ

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הצטרפו לערוץ של נקים בטלגרם להתעדכן:

הסקר קובע: רוב הציבור בישראל סבור שהשחיתות פוגעת בחייו היום יומיים,
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ניתן להשיג את חיים יטיב הדובר של ארגון "נקים" באמצעות טלגרם @HaimYativ או דוא"ל haim@nakim.org

השופט מישאל חשין:המלחמה בשחיתות היא מלחמה להגנה עצמית בה לא לוקחים שבוייםEvil or Very Madsadomaso
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חשיפה בלעדית של "נקים": ההונאה במיליארדים של הקיבוצים בשיתוף רשם האגודות

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